Oh dear! I've done it again! I've started a blog and, well, i've managed to forget to update it! Now I guess one thing you have to know about me (or you'll certainly come to learn anyway) is that I have a goldfish brain!... Yes my friends, my brain is like a big mooshy bowl of jelly... I forget everything :/ So forgetting to update this post is, well, its expected from me *sigh* But its no excuse and I really need to try harder! (& dont worry - I have another blog that has all my sailing adventures on it and that one hasn't been updated since new year ~uggghh~ so im doing ok on this one lol)
So what have I been up to... Well in terms of actual scrapbooking, not very much but in terms of craft projects quite a bit! I've discovered the world of digital scrapbooking so i've been playing around with that! I think I like it? Its definitely more me when it comes to layouts. I've never really been into creating layouts for my own photos but i've been having a little play with some of the kits I downloaded & I think I could definitely get used to doing them digitally. But boy oh boy downloading those kits sure does use up a lot of data!!! It took 5GB and I really didn't buy that many kits lol... oh well, once you have them you have them forever I suppose! & now I might finally get some of my beautiful photos from years gone by into albums where they belong! I think i'll stick with traditional styles for my little mini albums though! Not sure they'd have the same impact if I did them digitally.